What financial assistance is available for recruiting young professional?

Do you want to recruit a young professional to the V.I.E program? Find out about all your potential financial and tax assistance opportunities.

The International Young Talent Program is an attractive formula for any business that wishes to grow abroad, from startups to large groups. In addition to the social security exemptions, you can benefit from different types of financial and tax assistance. Here is an overview.

Financial assistance

Regional subsidies

To encourage the international growth of their SMEs, most French regions offer financial support to businesses looking to recruit a young professional.

Check out what assistance your region has to offer
Logo de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Auvergne-Rhône-AlpesLearn more
Bourgogne Franche-ComtéLearn more
Logo de la région Bretagne
BretagneLearn more
Logo de la région Centre-Val de Loire
Centre Val-de-LoireLearn more
Logo de la Corse
CorsicaLearn more
Logo de la région Grand Est
Grand-EstLearn more
Logo du DROM Guadeloupe
GuadeloupeLearn more
Logo du DROM Guyane
French GuianaLearn more
Logo de la région Hauts-de-France
Hauts-de-FranceLearn more
Logo de la région Ile-de-France
Paris RegionLearn more
Logo du DROM La Réunion
La RéunionLearn more
Logo du DROM Martinique
MartiniqueLearn more
Logo du DROM Mayotte
MayotteLearn more
Logo de la région Normandie
NormandieLearn more
Logo de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Nouvelle-AquitaineLearn more
Logo de la région Occitanie
OccitanieLearn more
Logo de la région Pays de la Loire
Pays de la LoireLearn more
Logo de la région Sud
Région SudLearn more

Bpifrance financing

Bpifrance canvassing insurance

The budget for a V.I.E mission can come under this insurance, which covers you against the risk of failure of commercial canvassing within your target region. This insurance gives you access to immediate cash flow support.

International Growth Loan

This loan enables you to finance intangible investments and working capital requirements linked to international development.

“The V.I.E for all” program

Receive €4,500 in financial assistance when you recruit a young professional with an undergraduate degree or from a high-priority neighborhood. The financial assistance is valid for any new assignment lasting at least 12 months from December 1, 2023, and until December 2026. A limit applies of three assignments per firm.

“France 2030” Export V.I.E

Are you a winner of “France 2030” and have you joined the “France 2030” Export program? Cover up to €1,500 per month of V.I.E program costs over 16 months (up to €24,000).

The assistance also includes:

  • Support for recruitment: up to 50% of services covered.
  • Accommodation: assistance for up to 50% of accommodation costs (up to a maximum of €10,000 on all main services).
  • V.I.E coaching: up to 50% covered as part of the “France 2030” export program

Tax assistance

Deductibility of allowances

Any compensation paid to the V.I.E in service can be deducted from the business’s income (see Official Tax Bulletin B.O.I. No. 67 of July 13, 2010).

Need help with your V.I.E project?
