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HomeProcurement and markets

Procurement and markets

Business France is the public consulting business serving the international development of the French economy. It is responsible for fostering export-led growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating foreign investment in France.

It promotes France’s firms, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the VIE international internship program.

Business France has more than 1,400 personnel, both in France and in 53 countries throughout the world.

This public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) is placed under the joint supervision of the ministers responsible for the economy, foreign affairs and regional planning.

Business France, as a public industrial and commercial establishment, must comply with the requirements of public procurement for all of its purchases, and more particularly with the Public Procurement Code. In this context, Business France is therefore subject to the obligation of freedom of access to public procurement.

All procurement procedures initiated by the Business France Procurement & Markets department are published on the state platform, PLACE.

Any business wishing to position itself in a market can find it via the advanced search, by selecting Business France in the list of public entities proposed, by first selecting “other organizations”.



Business France Procurement and Markets Department
77 boulevard Saint-Jacques,
75014 Paris