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HomeOur expertiseExporting around the worldThe “Dare to Export” plan

The “Dare to Export” plan

Adopted in 2023, the “Dare to Export” plan aims to support the international growth of French businesses.

The aims of the plan

This government export plan aims to prepare, support and help firms to make the international development of their business activities a success. Structured around 13 concrete measures, the plan strengthens the work of Team France Export.

Its goal?

To increase the number of export businesses from 150,000 to 200,000 by 2030.

“With the "Dare to Export" plan, we’re expanding the range of tools that Business France makes available to exporting SMEs and mid-size companies.

Our aim is twofold: to effectively support businesses that have already incorporated export activities into their strategy and to encourage those that have not yet taken the plunge to commit to this initiative.”

Didier Boulogne, Chief Operating Officer (Export Division), Business France

Key measures

The measures of the “Dare to Export” plan revolve around three main focuses: investing in people and France’s regions, ensuring that France benefits from export activities, and preparing for the future.

Investing in people and regions

We train managers of SMEs and mid-size companies on export issues, and we help them to recruit the necessary resources. To do this, the plan aims to:

Helping France to benefit from export activities

To help our businesses grow their international market share, we are committed to raising their profile via four key measures:

  • Support 5,000 SMEs and mid-size companies at international trade fairs by 2027

To do this, and to moderate the cost of taking part in the “France Pavilions” operated by Business France, the French government is increasing the public grant.

  • Create a digital “France Pavilion”

The aim is to list the products of 400 French SMEs on reputed general and specialized e-commerce platforms.

  • Strengthen the brand image of French products

Creation of the France brand to showcase French products and boost exports.

  • Provide training on trade agreements

Make better use of European Union trade agreements to invest in new markets and enable our businesses to benefit from reduced customs duties on imports and exports.

Preparing for the future

This third series of measures aims to offer specific support to high-potential businesses, to facilitate access to export financing, and to strengthen our role as a liaison between international buyers and our entrepreneurs.
