Our network in France

Our 650 employees work throughout the country alongside ambitious French and foreign entrepreneurs.

Carte de France avec les implantations de Business France en région

Inter-regional directors

They represent Business France in their regions and work with public and private partners. They publicize support offers both for firms looking to export and for foreign businesses setting up in France.

As part of Team France (strengthened relationships with Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Bpifrance, France’s regions, Regional Development Agencies, devolved government services), they coordinate national initiatives with regional policies.

Photo d'Eric Fajole

Éric Fajole

Director of Île-de-France (based in Paris)

Photo de Ronan Jourdain

Ronan Jourdain

DIrector for Western France (Bretagne, Centre Val de Loire, Normandie, Pays de la Loire regions) (based in Nantes)

Photo de Jerome Julliand

Jérôme Julliand

Director of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Franche-Comté (based in Lyon)

Photo de Frédérique Lefevre

Frédérique Lefevre

Director of Corsica and Région Sud (based in Marseille)

Photo de Cyrille Leveaux

Cyrille Leveaux

Director of the Grand Est and Hauts de France regions (based in Strasbourg)

Photo de Jorge Martin

Jorge Martin

Director of South-West France (based in Bordeaux)

Photo de Johann Remaud

Johann Remaud

Coordinator of the Overseas regions (based in Paris)

Our Export teams

International business managers and advisors

Present throughout the country, they support businesses with strong export growth potential in their international development efforts.

They coordinate all the work carried out by Team France Export for a given client and serve as an interface with the partners and the Business France ecosystem

Our Invest teams

Photo homme travaillant en extérieur sur son ordinateur portable

Invest project directors

They are responsible for the deployment of Team France Invest in their regions.

In the regions for which they are responsible, they provide foreign investors with a 360-degree support offer. This focuses more specifically on “the attractiveness of everyday life” (land, skills, regional ecosystems, etc.).

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