Our contribution to the ecological transition

At Business France, the ecological transition is a priority.

We’ve made firm commitments to become a key player in the decarbonization of the French economy.

A sustainable operator

We’re reducing our environmental footprint by adopting eco-friendly practices. Our commitment is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030.

Our commitment?

Improving the energy efficiency of our headquarters by reducing business travel and implementing a sustainable travel policy, developing responsible digital technology, shifting to a more eco-friendly vehicle fleet, integrating environmental criteria in selecting our service providers, and more.

As Business France’s commitment is reflected in the environmental responsibility of its employees, we’ve developed a mandatory training course that includes the Climate Fresk and CSR training adapted to each of our professions.

Promoting responsible international development for the French economy

We’ve made a commitment to direct our activity towards sectors that promote the ecological transition.

Our aim is twofold

  • Make France stand out among export markets as the country leading the ecological transition;
  • Attract top-performing projects to France. 

This is why a significant part of the measures in the “France Export” program focuses on the environment and CleanTech sectors. We also seek to minimize the carbon footprint of our operations for our customers.

Thanks to its efforts, Business France won the award for the most environmentally responsible pavilion at the Food & Hotel Asia show in Singapore in 2023.

We also publish white papers to inform and advise businesses on the impact of their CSR policy on their export performance.

Lastly, each foreign investment project in France is subject to an Environmental, Social and Governance risk assessment.

Our participation

In 2022, we participate in the United Nations Global Compact, the largest international voluntary sustainability initiative. We’re committed to working towards the 10 principles that draw on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We produce an annual report on our progress.

We’ve invested in Team for the Planet, a French organization supporting businesses that showcase innovations to impact climate change.

We’re also a member of the Sustainable Development Club for Public Establishments and Public Enterprises. We share best practices to fast-track our ecological transition. We’ve also joined the “Eco-responsible Public Services” (SPE) system to implement the 15 commitments of the French government’s ecological transformation plan.
