Where to set up business in France

Discover the wealth of France’s regions and find the ideal site for your establishment. 

Our regions are ready to welcome your projects

Business France’s action to promote the internationalization of regions is reflected in numerous “tailor-made” actions, co‑constructed with each region.

Discover the opportunities offered by our regions :

Logo de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Auvergne Rhône-AlpesLearn more
Bourgogne Franche ComtéLearn more
Logo de la région Bretagne
BretagneLearn more
Logo de la région Centre-Val de Loire
Centre - Val de LoireLearn more
Logo de la Corse
CorseLearn more
Logo de la région Grand Est
Grand EstLearn more
Logo du DROM Guadeloupe
GuadeloupeLearn more
Logo du DROM Guyane
GuyaneLearn more
Logo de la région Hauts-de-France
Hauts-de-FranceLearn more
Logo de la région Ile-de-France
Ile-de-FranceLearn more
Logo du DROM La Réunion
La RéunionLearn more
Logo du DROM Martinique
MartiniqueLearn more
Logo du DROM Mayotte
MayotteLearn more
Logo de la région Normandie
NormandieLearn more
Logo de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Nouvelle AquitaineLearn more
Logo de la région Occitanie
OccitanieLearn more
Logo de la région Pays de la Loire
Pays de la LoireLearn more
Logo de la région Sud
Région SudLearn more

Find the right site for your investment project

Our regions offer multiple opportunities. With us, discover the available economic land offer and find the best site!

To facilitate setting up your business, the French government has been offering ready‑to‑use sites since 2020, consulted on the “France Foncier +” website.

The aim? To boost access to quality industrial land by anticipating the procedures and studies related to urban planning, preventive archaeology and the environment.

In 2024, 55 sites were accredited “France 2030 ready‑to‑use site” to offer ready-to-use land by 2030. These high-potential sites will benefit from credits, allowing them to accelerate their pre‑development.

Further Information